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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why would you say that

Masturbate and Feel Good
"Masturbation ... is not approved of the Lord nor this church, regardless of what may be said by those whose 'norms' are lower", President Kimball of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (1981)
"Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots." Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
A quote often used by various churches in an effort to contain illicit acts amongst its people. Every sermon on masturbation would quote it, atleast all the sermons I have heard. Under the circumstances, is it difficult to imagine masturbation as one of the biggest taboos in our society? Even today? Scientific education has done a little to change it. Does that mean men and women don't masturbate? Certainly not. 99% of men and 70% of women masturbate according to various studies. The problem lies in the acceptance of the fact that you masturbate. Let me tell you a story... a story about you.
One night you were sitting alone in your appartment eating pizza. You decided to check out some new sites on the net while you eat. So you log on to your ISP and start surfing. Inadverantely, you come across some piece of pornography(yes, the net is quite full of it!) Looking at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingling between your legs. One thing leads to another and you end up spoiling your underpants. Now let me tell you another story.
One night you were sitting alone in a bar drinking beer. And then a most gorgeous person enters the bar. The person that causes tingling between your legs just looking at him or her. You decide that you can't let go of this oppurtunity to get to know this wonderful creation of god. So you move towards this person and start small talk. One thing leads to another and you end up in your appartment.
Whether you are a woman or a man, the next morning you wouldn't be jumping with joy in the first case. When you go out in the evening to meet your friends, you would not tell them about the hot site you found and how you jerked off to it. Nevertheless, in the second case, you would be telling anyone who cared to listen how you had the most wonderful experience of your life last night. Why? Well, maybe because self pleasure is, well, nothing special. You can do it anytime you want. Ofcourse seducing the person of your dreams is quite an accomplishment. No wonder you need an audience. But what if you have a friend like me. A friend who is crazy enough to ask you did you wank off yesterday night? Was it good? What would you do then? Would you tell your friend about the hot site and your experience? Would you simply say, "Yeah! It was great! What about you?" Or would you pretend nothing had happened and lie... something like you were somewhere else yesterday night, or maybe lead your friend to believe you got lucky with someone?
I am guessing you would do the latter. Most certainly you won't acknowledge the act of masturbation. Rather you would evade the question and change the topic. And when your friend tells you about a hot conquest the same night, you would wish you had a bowl of water in which you could drown. Shame and guilt would come over you and you would change the topic in double quick time. Are you crazy? Noway! You are just one of the majority. And quite a majority at that! Way more majority that what George Bush had in the last elections! The reason - social conditioning!
You are just like the boy who ran out of the cinema hall that was screening an adult film (mind you, he had no business of being there in the first place! But all the cinemas care about is the sale of their tickets!) Later in the day, the friend who had been at the movies with him, caught up with him and asked, "Why in the hell's name did you run out?" The boy answered, "My mom said that if I watched a woman getting naked I would turn to stone. And damn you Harry, a part of me was already turning into stone!"
Unluckily, the social conditioning is wrong. It is as wrong as the social condition in 18-19th century India, where widows were forced to burn alive with their husbands. As wrong as the church was in burning Galileo for implying the Earth was not the centre of the universe. Lily Tomlin put it best, "We have reasons to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation!" If god didn't want us to masturbate, maybe we would still be walking like dogs and horses!
The social conditioning is a result of numerous myths, lies and scams perperated by numerous individuals for personal benefit. Unfortunately, this conditioning is like a hard nut, very tough to crack. However, with effort and chanelising your energies, you can break it. Remember, the nuts that crack the hardest, are often the ones that taste the best! You must be wondering, how the hell does it matter if you feel guilty about masturbation. Why should you spend time breaking this casing?
Certain psychologists believe that guilt conscious, whether sexual guilt or in any other form, is the most destructive element for your mental health. Others believe it is one of the most destructive. But the greatest effect of guilt conscious in my experience has been a lack of confidence in self. Now you are an intelligent reader. I don't need to explain you the importance of self confidence. Be it your career, relationships or any other aspect of life, lack of confidence can bring your downfall. Now I am not implying that should you start to feel more comfortable about masturbation, you would succeed in all aspects of life. But it would be a nice step to take. An useless guilt that should, and can be eradicated from your mind. Remember, an ocean is made of small droplets of water. Get rid of a drop at a time and in due time, the ocean would be empty! Ofcourse it would take several millenia! Luckily, you don't have an ocean full of guily! Just some naggings here and there!
The first step towards eradication of this guilt is knowledge. There are thousands of myths around masturbation. Most of them perperated by religion, unfortunately. But some perperated by scam runners. Lets take a look at the most important ones.
1. Masturbation is against the will of god.
Bullshit. At one point the church considered anyone who was overtly passionate to his wife an adultrater. Follow that teaching and your wife would be committing adultery! Several clergymen have gone on record to say that not only the church's teachings about sexuality were unrelated to the scriptures, but that they caused more harm than good amongst people. Besides, nowhere in the religious teachings of any major religions is masturbation considered wrong.
2. Masturbation will cause impotency.
Most males and even some females seem to think so. Wrong again. Lets tackle the males first. It is understandable that seeing their sperm flow out of their body, they think it may end sometime. Well, it will end one day... maybe when you are 100 years old. But until then don't worry. Your sperm bank is quite unlike Standard Chartered. You have unlimited credit here! Sperm is a completely renewable resource, renewable on an hourly basis! For women, well, there is no basis in the theory. Probably perperated by old ladies who never had an orgasm in their entire life!
3. Masturbation causes acnes, hair loss, skin diseases.
This one is my favorite. Mainly because it is one of the better scams of all times! Your social conditioning would have you believe that masturbation is bad for your health. But bad how? No one would give you a satisfying answer! Now some scam artists saw this as an good oppurtunity to sell their products like hair growth lotions, etc. Since most people start masturbating during their teens, (the times of acne and other skin problems), they would have you believe that this is caused by masturbation! Unluckily for them, this is as untrue as the sun rising from the west! Masturbation has no physical side effects!
4. Masturbating will make you thin and skinny!
Then there would be no need for diet pills and fitness regimes my friend! And most certainly 70% of USA wouldn't be overweight!
5. Only Kids masturbate!
Why would you say that? I wonder! Well quite untrue, most adults masturbate... yup even after marriage,cut your worry period short and enjoy the rest of your day.!
6,Unintended Consequences. Masturbation is for males.
And it is for 70% of the women too. Thats right, two thirds of all females masturbate!
7. Only losers masturbate!
Another of my favorites. Just goes to show just how much of a taboo is masturbation! First thing, 99% of males and 70% of females have masturbated atleast once in their lives. Now that is a hell of a lot of losers don't you think! Nothing more that I can add really... this is really the epitome of insecurity amongst people regarding self pleasure.
8. Masturbation is for homosexuals.
Wow. Where did that one originate! Someone must make a etymology of these myths, would make for an interesting read! Just as untrue as all these myths,I'm going to win the lottery this year, masturbation and homosexuality have nothing in common. Some people masturbate to their fantasies of opposite sex, others to their fantasies of same sex. Thats it.
9. Masturbation will make you blind!
Others claim that masturbation is bad for your eyesights. However, their claims are unsupported by facts and medical advice. I suggest you talk to your general physician and he will explain you what a load of bull this is.
10. Masturbation changes the shape of your penis
Well, it does make it rock hard. But believe me, once you orgasm, the hardness is gone! So no. Masturbation has absolutely no effect on how your penis looks.
There are loads more of these myths circulating around the world. If you have a query about masturbation, ask me, I would happily lay your fears to rest. My email is
Now lets move on in an attempt to get rid of your guilt. Clearly, all the reasons that made masturbation such a taboo are baseless. So why should you feel guilty about something that is normal and actually healthy? Healthy? Yes that too! This January, I recieved an email from a woman who had some major problems in her marriage. Due to her career and that of her husband, their sexual life was inexistant. Both held jobs in big MNCs and were frequently out of town. Sometimes, they would see each other once a month! Nevertheless, they were very much in love. Her problem was, that inspite of all their love, they were getting into petty fights with each other. The woman was even experiencing problems during work, getting angry for no apparent reasons, shouting on her team. Her temperament was a creation of the stress caused by extensive work and lack of pleasurable activities. Add to that sexual frustration.
My advice to her was twofold. First, I told her that she would have to slow down, and so should her husband. They must make time for their hobbies, maybe try and get in some physical exercise when they could. Most certainly, they needed to see more of each other. They should onsider talking off a couple of days and just be together. Second, while she was alone, she should consider fantasy therapy. Namely, reading erotic novels, watching erotic movies... exciting herself and eventually masturbating as regularly as she could. Three months later, I recieved a thank you letter from her. Apparently she had put my advice to practice (which is quite rare!) and it had actually helped. (Which is not so rare!)
How did masturbating help her? Because most of her problems arose from stress and lack of physical activities. And masturbation, like sex, is the perfect medicing. When you orgasm, your mind gets cleared of the regular day to day problems. Your body gets excited and the blood flow increases. Sometimes, you even sweat! A complete and perfect exercise for those with lack of time!
The next step in getting rid of your guilt is self belief. Something, no outsider can help you with. Here is what I would counsel. Read as many articles on the internet as you can relating to masturbation. Just so that you know that I am not bullshitting you. Any queries you have, don't be afraid to ask me or another sex advisor on any of the reputed websites. Remember, the first step is knowledge and the second step is belief. And knowledge leads to belief. Good Wanking!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sometimes when you are going through something you don't understand

One Year Later: Surviving the Katrina Anniversary by Carol McClelland
Now, one year later, you are facing the first anniversary of the disaster. You may be feeling nervous that another hurricane may blow through. Emotions brought on by your losses may be coming over you in waves. It's possible that your discomfort has grown each day as the anniversary approached. This article provides you with some tips to help you understand what you are experiencing and help you feel supported during your anniversary.
What's Happening to You?
First, let me explain that what you are feeling is documented and happens to many people who have been through a trauma or loss—especially one of the magnitude that you've been through.
Sometimes when you are going through something you don't understand, it helps to have a name for it. What you are experiencing is called an "anniversary reaction."
An anniversary reaction occurs when unresolved feelings and sensations are triggered by the anniversary and circumstances that are similar to those of the original trauma. This reaction occurs because you didn't have the opportunity to feel or process your emotions at the time of disaster. You were focused on surviving and didn't have the time, skills, or capacity to feel all of the losses at that time.
Over the last month, as the anniversary approached, you may have felt discomfort, anxiety, and uneasiness in a lot of different ways physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually -- in your relationships, in your work, in your family. Please know that these effects will begin to ease up as you pass the anniversary date.
Plan for the Anniversary
As you read this article, think about how you want to spend the anniversary. What will be best for you?
o Do you want to be on your own?
o With your community?
o With your family?
o Do you want to spend time at a remembrance?
o Do you want to honor those that helped or those who were lost?
o Or do you want to do something that takes your mind away from the events of last year?
What you want/need may be different from what others in your family or social circle want to do. That's okay. If you feel you must join in a family activity, set up some time for an activity of your own choosing. Whatever you do,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, have compassion for yourself and those you love,1 cup watermelon chunks.
On the Day of the Anniversary
The day has finally arrived. It's possible you are feeling a bit nervous about how the day will unfold.
Work your plan for the anniversary. Although you have a plan, it's possible that your feelings about what you need may have changed. If your needs have changed, make any necessary adjustments. There is no "wrong" way to honor the day. What's most important is that you take care of yourself.
Share memories and stories of event and those lost. Whether you spend time alone or with others, you might want to share your memories. If you are with others, talk about your memories. If you are spending time alone, you might want to write down your thoughts.
Find a ritual to acknowledge the trauma and how it has affected you. Rituals such as lighting candles, singing with others, standing in a circle in prayer can bring you strength. If one of these options doesn't feel right, consider doing something that helps others give blood, volunteer, or donate.
Create new memories. One of the most powerful things you can do right now is to create new memories, rituals, or traditions. This is a wonderful process to do as a family or with a good friend. Think about something you can do together to create a new touchstone for the day.
Create a physical memorial. For some, having a physical symbol of the event is helpful. They find solace in being able to visit a memorial, plaque, status, or sculpture.
Acknowledge how far you've come. Although it's unlikely your life is put back together again, honor what has improved for you--even if the progress is slight or subtle. Notice your physical status, how you are feeling emotionally, how you are feeling mentally, and how you are doing spiritually.
Take note of the positive things in your life. Notice anything that brings a smile to your face—a young child's antics, a pet, a flower, a beautiful sunset. Shifting at least some of your energy to the small gifts of life can lift your spirits.
Search for the gifts in your situation,Cat jewelry might be popular among children. Although you've been through an incredibly difficult year, it's likely that in reviewing your year you'll discover some unexpected gifts. You may notice your own strengths,Oily skin types can also benefit from non-oily coverage, the fact that you survived your trial, ways you've changed, or relationships that have strengthened as a result of the event.
Copyright 2006 Transition Dynamics Enterprises, Inc.

Monday, October 29, 2012

months later

4 Steps to Launching a $100K+ Executive Level Job Search Campaign That Gets You Hired in a Recession by Karen Armon
Joy Andrews lost her position as a $100K+ executive about three months ago. Devastated, Joy took some time off to clear her head and get ready for her executive level job search campaign. But now, months later, she hasn't had many interviews and prospects are bleak,and insane.. Her question to me was, "What can I do to get myself to get more interviews and get hired faster?"
In this article, I am going to give you four critical steps you must take if you want to find that $100K+ job and get hired during a recession.

Step #1 Get organized

I am constantly amazed how executives who were driven and forceful in their jobs become lost in how to start their $100K+ executive job search. Getting organized includes these elements:

1. Treat your job search as a full time job. Totally dedicate your time to finding a job. Inform your family that your full-time job is to find a full-time job and nothing else!

2. Act as if your job search was a product or service launch,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. Plan your executive level job search campaign. Don't wing it. Organize your activities in a project plan and measure yourself against your milestones and sub-goals.

3. Start your day just like you would if you were employed. Did you start your day at 7:00am and end it at 6:00pm? Then do the same for your job search.

4. Create goals for every day and every event. Get a daily goal and meet it. Develop your networking goals for each event and stay until you achieve them.

Step #2 Get help

For many, getting help is equivalent to going to the dentist. But getting help is the smartest thing to kick-start your executive level job search campaign. Getting help includes:

1. Ask for a review of your resume. There are many services available to review your resume for free. Better yet, pay an expert to write your resume,you can remain as you are.

2. Learn from the experts. There are many experts out there that write articles like this one. Many experts also have website tools that are available for free downloads. For example, I have a free eBook at: . Take advantage of these resources.

3. Get a career coach. For executives who earn more than $100K+, getting advice for your particular situation is a wise investment Make sure, however, that your coach teaches you how to fish, not just fishes for you.

4. Get a support group. When you launch a job search campaign when the headlines are awful, being upbeat and positive is extremely difficult. Get a small group of business associates and friends who can help you during this time.

Step #3 Get real

Just a short while ago, executives could expect to find a new position in about 90 to 120 days. Now, realistically, it can take upwards of 8 to 10 months. Getting real includes:

1. Do what it takes to survive a 10-month search. Expecting your search to go faster and not preparing for the long haul is just nuts. Reduce your expenses to just what is necessary and cut back.

2. Invest in your career. Now is the time to invest in your career and not try to "do-it-yourself." Investments include coaching, books, tools, events, memberships, and travel to targeted cities,making it sound warm and inviting..

3. Develop quantitative benchmarks and metrics. Analyze your job search results and measure them against standards. When you do this, you'll be able to improve along the way which guarantees results faster.

4. Design qualitative feedback loops. Behaviors are qualitative and you can "measure" reactions to your oral and written pitch. Their reaction is a qualitative feedback loop that you can automatically gauge.

Step #4 Get Clear

Getting a message that is clear and succinct takes work. And trying to figure out what you want next is also hard. Getting clear includes:

1. Do extensive research on target companies and industries. The Internet has a wealth of information. My recommendation is to conduct research at least 1 hour per day above and beyond job posting searches.

2. Test your messages within networking groups. Take someone out for coffee. Try out your verbal pitch, and get their feedback. I tell my clients that they should attend at least 2 different networking groups a week during their job search campaign.

3. Know what's happening around you. Know what's happening around the globe. Integrate current affairs into your oral and written pitch and show how you can address the issues of the day.

4. Stay focused and determined. Persistence is the key to finding a $100K+ executive level position during an economic downturn. Direction is the result and movement in your job search is guaranteed.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

run your fingers through your medium length hair style

Medium Hair Styles Don’t Have To Be Boring,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots

Not too long and not too short, the medium hair style is perfect for just about everyone. From the straight and limp to the thick and naturally curly, you can be sure that there is a medium hair style to suit your unique tastes and hair type.

The popularity of the medium length hair style has never waned,If your girdle or corselet doesn't come with suspenders attached, and it remains extremely popular today. In fact, most hair styles that you see can be considered medium hair styles. Just think about the textured bob or the layered hair cut. Most of these styles look their best at a medium length.

There are a lot of reasons why people choose the medium hair style over other types of styles. The medium hair style is easier and quicker to style than longer hair and it affords more versatility than shorter styles. No matter whether you wear it up or down, the medium hair style offers a great deal of variety to the wearer. Here are just a few ideas:

" Quick and Casual. No matter if your medium length hair style is straight or curly, you can whip it up in a flash to create a simple, casual updo at a moment's notice. Simply pull your medium hair style up into a bun, French twist or ponytail, allowing a few sprigs to escape here and there, and you're done. You can also practice variations of the ponytail and add interest to your medium hair style by changing the amount of hair that you pull through your scrunchie,5. When do you shop.

" Funky and textured. Probably the most popular medium hair styles of today feature a lot of textured, creative cutting techniques. By using a combination of scissors and razor, your stylist can turn your medium hair style into a fashion statement complete with wispy layers and interesting movement.

" Cute and curled. This medium hair style is extremely easy to accomplish if you have natural curl or a perm adding texture to your medium hair style. If not, you can easily add interest to your medium hair style with hot rollers, tube rollers or a curling iron. Simply, roll your medium hair style, spritz it a little, take it down, run your fingers through your medium length hair style, spray and go.

" Captivating color,why not keep a pair of folding shoes in your glove compartment. The medium hair style is perhaps the perfect length of hair in which to try funky and fresh color techniques. From chunky highlights to ink-dipped tips, make your medium hair style stand out from the rest with interesting color.

As you can see, there are numerous things that you can do to make your medium hair style stand out among your peers. While others are stuck pulling their long tresses up or styling their short locks the same old way, you can quickly change your medium hair style to reflect your mood or the occasion. And the beauty of the medium hair style is that almost everything you do will be quick and easy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Traditional Bridal Shower Gifts

Traditional Bridal Shower Gifts
The tradition of hosting a bridal shower for the bride to be grew out of a desire of the friends and family of the bride to get to know each other better, strengthen the bonds between new friends and offer moral support and assistance with marriage planning for the new brie,I was a C-plus but I fell to C-minus.. The idea of offering bridal shower gifts did not actually surface until some time in the late 19th century. Prior to this time, traditionally, a young woman would come into a marriage with a dowry intended to help a new family set up their home.
Legend has it that the very first bridal shower originated in Holland when a young Dutch girl fell in love with a poor miller and the two had no money to set up her home. The girl's father refused to support her marriage to the poor miller, despite the fact that he had spent a lifetime helping those needier than he. Because the bride had no dowry due to her angry father, friends of the bride and groom joined together to shower the couple with gifts to help them set up their new home. Thus, the bridal shower was born.
In contemporary times a majority of brides do not come into a marriage with a dowry, and bridal shower gifts are almost a necessity, offering a new couple the opportunity to acquire the materials needed to set up their home. Most couples register for specific items including towels,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, linens, pots and pans and other household accessories.
Typically bridal showers are thrown by friends, co-workers or members of the bride or groom's family,it just means. Not uncommonly, the maid or matron of honor hosts the bridal shower for the bride to be. This is not an exclusive privilege however, as it is not uncommon for a family member or close friend to also hold the shower.
The purpose of a wedding shower should be to help the bride and groom acquire the items necessary to establish a first household, though this rule is not hard and fast. Many brides who are re-marrying also enjoy all the benefits of a traditional shower thanks to a more relaxed atmosphere and expectation in modern times.
Most brides to be register before their shower, though this isn't always the case. And while you can rest assured that if you purchase bridal shower gifts from a bridal registry your bride to be will be pleased,Have you ever seen a badger, many ladies decide to acquire bridal shower gifts that are more personalized in nature. There are several couples who wed who don't necessarily need household items; in this instance it is always nice to "shower" the bride to be with pampering items including body scrubs, lotions and mini spa treatment items.
Bridal showers are a fun way to celebrate the union of two people and provide the couple to be with keepsake and other cherished items that will not soon be forgotten.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pre-Tanning Preparation

Choosing Tanning Products Wisely,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots
Why is it that people look so good and healthy with a little colour, yet tanning can be so harmful to your skin? Recent studies and the news report that there are more cases than ever of melanoma and we all know that extensive exposure to the sun will cause your skin to age more quickly.
There are solutions to the problem of harmful UV sunlight that allow you to have all of the aesthetic benefits of a rich tan without the harmful side effects. The answer is in the types of tanning products you use to care for your skin while in the sun and after.
Pre-Tanning Preparation
It is always good to keep your skin moisturized. Cold weather and dry air can dry it out as well as salt water and chlorine. Always protect your skin with moisturizers day and night. They are most effective if applied immediately following a shower because the skin is moist and freshly exfoliated from washing.
Before going out in the sun, even in the winter, it is important to protect skin with a moisturizer that has a SPF protection factor of 15 or more. This rating is how many times more protected skin is than if it had nothing on it. It is so important to protect the face because it is more susceptible to sunburn.
Tanning Beds
Tanning beds are only slightly less harmful to the skin that the actual sun. However, there are tanning bed lotions meant especially for tanning beds that give a deeper tone to the skin and protect it at the same time. Artificial tanning bed light bulbs are extremely strong, and that is why you can tan in just a few minutes per session. This also prepares the skin to deepen in colour each time you go to the beach.
Many salons have tanning booths where you stand or beds where you lie down and get all areas of the body tan at once. This is a good place to go if you are planning to go on vacation to a warm weather climate in the middle of winter. You can enjoy all of your holiday without having to worry about sunburn, because you can condition your skin to the sun before you leave home.
Lotions & Creams and other Tanning Products
It can be confusing knowing what type of lotion to use to best protect your skin and still give you great colour. There are spray on lotions, facial tanner products, a lotions with all kinds of number on them! Much of what you should use depends on your skin type.
If you are fair skinned then you need to choose a tanning product that protects the most. An SPF rating of at least 15, but 30 would be better. Those with darker, olive skin tones can use a lotion with an SPF of 8 and be adequately protected, provided they reapply the lotion frequently if there are going to be in the sun for long periods of time. There are also sunless tanning products that offer no protection from UV rays, but will change the skin colour without the sun.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

it reacts to protect and heal the problem area. Depending on the procedure

Stress Following Your Plastic Surgery by Ricardo de Silva
Plastic surgery produces such amazing results that many people fail to take into account what is involved in the process. This can lead to unnecessary stress following a procedure.
Stress Following Your Plastic Surgery
The purpose of plastic surgery is really two fold. It is to improve an aspect of your body that you are unhappy with on a daily basis. By so doing, plastic surgery should also add to your mental well being since you are addressing some aspect of your body that makes you unhappy. While this sounds straightforward, many patients fail to seriously focus on what is going to occur during and after the procedure. This can lead to extreme stress and unhappiness following it.
Assume you have always hated the appearance of your nose. For the purpose of this example, we will assume you have a large nose with a significant bump along the ridge. Frankly, people stare at it when talking to you and it makes you very self-conscious. You live with it for years, but finally decide to have something done. After selecting and consulting with a cosmetic surgeon, you have the procedure,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. Immediately following the procedure, you awake to pain. A look in the mirror shows massive swelling, black eyes and a face you barely recognize. Shock, fear and stress immediately set in. This occurs despite the fact your surgeon told you what to expect after the surgery.
Plastic surgery is not like buying a new car. You do not get to show it off immediately. Unless it is a very minor procedure, you are not going to look good immediately afterwards. Surgeons tell patients this, but the advice is often disregarded. Why? Patients tend to focus on the result they expect and are very happy about finally doing something about whatever it is that bothers them.
It is vital to understand that most plastic surgery procedures are invasive. This means the body suffers trauma to some extent. A mere incision is considered trauma. When the body experiences this, it reacts to protect and heal the problem area. Depending on the procedure, this can mean blood will be rushed to the area. This will present as bruising and swelling. It is going to happen, so you need to prepare yourself mentally for it. The presence of bruising and swelling does not mean your surgeon made a mistake. It is a natural process.
If you are going to have plastic surgery, you need to understand the recovery process is going to take time. How much? Your surgeon can tell the answer for your specific procedure. Regardless, it is important that you not stress out or judge the results during the recover period. You should only do this after the bruising is gone and the swelling resolved.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

OnGossamer Strapless Mesh Bra

Light Support Bras Accentuate Your Natural Figure And Give You Support. by Kalwant Rana
Do you find it difficult to find the right size bra? Does the size of your breasts make it more difficult to find one that fits?
The problem with today's media drenched society is that we are all trying to be something we are not. If we just faced reality and worked with what we have, the world would be a lot less stressful. Big can be beautiful but remember good things come in small packages too. Women with smaller breasts often feel the pressure of society and feel they have to have larger breasts to fit in. So they either resort to surgery or wear a bra that makes there breasts look bigger but doesn't necessarily fit. Remember, comfort is the key!
Wearing a bra that accentuates your natural figure and gives you support where you need it is essential. Light support or wireless bras may not have any underwire but are perfect for girls with smaller breasts and offer enough support to allow you to feel free and comfortable. The beauty of the wireless bra is that you could be wearing it and not even know it's there. In fact,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, light support bras are less constricting than full support bras and a common assertion amongst women is that they are more comfortable.
It's obvious now, that comfort takes presidence and that the wireless bra is the ultimate choice for it. Imagine not feeling the discomfort of that chaffing underwire or the cumbersome restrictions of over sized cups. You're feeling less stressed already aren't you? Well, all you need now is a list of some of the most popular models available and what do you know, we just happened gather that for you. Here is my selection of the top light support bras you can buy online:
Warners Not-All-That-Bra Soft Cup
A truly naturally fitting bra, with a stretch fabric providing exceptional comfort. A self-elastic frame is built into the seamless cup giving you great support.
Grenier Microfiber Seamless Soft Cup Bra
This model is wireless, seamless and made of ultra soft microfiber, making it astonishingly comfy. Featuring a pretty lace detail and an inner sling for added support. Sizes B 34-38, C 34-38, and D 34-38.
OnGossamer Strapless Mesh Bra
An adaptable seamless mesh padded bra with removable straps. This bra can be worn with or without straps.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

slide your foot into the support stockings

Support Tights and How to Wear Them Properly by Mark Etinger
Support tights are a mystery for many people. The name for the most part seems self-explanatory, but what exactly are they supporting? If you aren't familiar, support tights are pressurized leg wear are designed to regulate improper blood low in the legs.
There are valves in our veins that regulate blood flow and ensure that it circulates properly. When the valves begin to deteriorate, the blood flow is then reversed upon standing and instead of flowing toward the heart, the blood flows down the superficial veins toward the feet. This can often cause discomfort and unsightly varicose veins as the muscles around the vein contract and cause pressure.
Support tights do wonders in alleviating that pressure and maintaining proper blood flow to the heart. Although they aren't prescription, it's best to consult your physician before you make a purchase to ensure you get the right amount of pressure for your condition. They can be extremely helpful for managing not only symptoms for varicose veins, but also: diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency, pregnancy side-effects, and other conditions or disorders that cause swelling in the legs and feet.
If you have decided to purchase and wear support tights, here are some tips on how to wear them properly and get the most from them.
- Choose your pair of support tights based on your doctor's recommendation for the amount of pressure you need for your particular condition.
- When shopping around for support tights, choose a brand that is regulated by the FDA to ensure that you're getting the same amount of compression that is advertised on the package.
- It's generally best to put your support tights on in the morning, immediately upon waking and getting dressed. Your legs are less swollen in the morning and you will experience more comfort by putting them on in the morning,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots.
- If you wear any jewelry on your hands or wrists, be sure to remove them before putting on your support tights. Jewelry and watches could snag on your tights and cause runs and tears that can ultimately reduce their effectiveness.
- To put on the support stockings, grasp the inside of the stocking on the heel and pull it inside out.
- Next, slide your foot into the support stockings, making sure that your toes and feet are in the proper positions.
- Hold the top of the support tights and carefully slide them up your leg, making sure that your toes and feet are in the correct position and the support tights aren't twisting or bunching in areas.
- Continue to wear your support tights until the end of the day, or if your medical professional gave you a recommended length of time, wear them until then. They may take some getting used to, but don't be put off by the initial discomfort and take them off prematurely. This could interfere with the effectiveness of your treatment.
- Keep a second or third pair of support tights on hand, so you can wash and wear them daily.
- After about 4 to 6 months of regular wear, support tights being to lose their elasticity and wear out. When they wear out they lose their effectiveness, so be sure to replace them after at least 6 months of regular wear.

Friday, October 19, 2012

such as sex is for reproduction only

Menopause and Great Sex by Marie C. Barrett
Menopause heralds the start of a fabulous time in your life. It does not mean the end of your love life. By no means! Here we are talking about having great sex during and after menopause. It is not only perfectly wonderful to be sexy, flirty and erotic in your 50s and 60s, but you deserve to feel as emotionally and physically fulfilled as ever, in fact, more than ever before! Menopause is a transition into freedom from the monthly dirge, and any adverse symptoms can be handled quite well.
Our sexual appetites are not lost as we age; it is the image of ourselves as sexual sirens that changes for many women. It depends greatly on a woman's upbringing, on what kind of programming she has been given since her early days. But whatever that may have been, now is the time to rediscover her power to be, do and experience the full flowering of her sexuality with wisdom and maturity.
The sexual/cultural revolution of the 1960s led to a change in attitudes towards sex, spirituality, feminism and many other aspects of self discovery. These same radicals, women and men, of the 1960s are now the boomers of today, still reshaping traditional ideas and attitudes to sex as they age. They are once more on the forefront of a sexual revolution that is pushing aside the boundaries of what is acceptable. In doing so they are giving themselves space to enjoy a deeper sense of intimacy and communication with their partners, and a more embracing acceptance of themselves as attractive, wise and loving people.
While for some their sex drive slows down as they age, and that is quite normal, it in no way means the fun stops, not a chance. Take time to relax and enjoy the freedom of sex without contraception, or simply use this time to become more intimate with your partner at other levels of closeness and insight.
They say a man needs sex first to make love meaningful and a woman needs love first to make sex meaningful. We need to find a sweet meeting place of understanding between the two to make our love-making mutually satisfying and joyous,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, regardless of age.
Sadly, many women passing through the menopause years and beyond continue to operate from the same set of memories, thoughts and feelings that have run their entire sexual lives. Their sexuality is kept separate from other aspects of their life and they cannot give themselves permission to express their sexuality freely and with expansive joy.
It is time to let go of this kind of outdated programming. Everyone has pre programming about sex, such as sex is for reproduction only; while sex may be for pleasure, do not have too much fun; sex is a sin, a need, a duty; you cannot have love without sex; a good wife always submits to her man, his needs are more important than hers, and the repressive list may go on. Why have we bundled sex within all these limiting beliefs?
The sexuality they talk about in their 50s and beyond, is the same sexuality of their youth and adult years, a sexuality informed by old thoughts and attitudes they have not cleared and brought to consciousness and feelings they have not integrated. If this is the case with you, it is time to have a deep re-think about the role of sex in your life, and the implications of your sexuality for every aspect of who you believe yourself to be. It is time to break out of the box of your self-imposed limitations and enjoy your sexuality with love.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


How to Have Healthy Skin,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots
It's amazing! The number of people who are educating themselves on how to have healthy skin continues to grow. More and more consumers are turning away from mainstream cosmetics and are looking for a natural skin rejuvenator.
If you are one of these people, you're certainly on the right track. Knowing how to have healthy skin is a matter of understanding some very simple science. Let me explain.
For over 50 years, scientists at most cosmetic companies have developed products that approach skincare from a superficial (cosmetic) level. Their laboratories are always looking for new ways to combine the same cheap synthetic chemicals into different creamy, pleasant smelling mixtures that are sold to us as healthy skin products.
Unfortunately, this type of cosmetic science has nothing to do with how to have healthy skin.
Fortunately, there is a new type of cosmetic science - one that searches for the best healthy skin rejuvenator based upon support for the body's own natural healing ability. These scientists are interested in treatment of the skin at the cellular level.
They know that normal skin cells produce structural proteins like collagen and elastin, which are directly responsible for maintaining smooth, firm skin with a youthful glow.
These scientists are teaching us how to have healthy skin through a simple regimen of protection and support. Protecting and supporting your body's cells are the most effective ways to have beautiful, youthful skin.
Let's talk about protection first.
When you see the signs of aging on your face it's because your skin cells have become damaged from years of exposure to sun, toxins, and poor diet. In their damaged condition, they can no longer produce the levels of collagen and elastin that they did when you were younger.
But this damage can be stopped. All it takes is avoiding sunlight as much as possible, getting rid of toxin buildup by drinking lots of purified water, and improving your diet with the addition of more fruit and vegetables. Simple enough, right?
Now let's discuss support.
Once you've put a stop to the damage that has left your cells in a weakened condition, you must take steps to reverse the damage and reactivate normal function. Clinical studies have shown that feeding your cells with special nutrients supports the body's own healthy skin rejuvenator abilities.
It makes sense when you think about it. When you're tired and need energy, eating something nourishing will usually get you up and going again. Well, you cells are no different. Nourishing them with energy-stimulating "food" gets them back to producing the natural substances that keep your skin fresh, smooth and firm.
A healthy skin rejuvenator will include substances like avocado oil, vitamin e, macadamia nut oil, Japanese sea kelp, active manuka honey and shea butter, to name a few. These substances, and others, have been found to be highly effective in providing the special support needed by damaged skin cells.
When it comes to knowing how to have healthy skin, this surprisingly simple science is creating a revolution in skin care. Understanding this science, as well as, knowing what natural substances to look for, is helping to improve the health and appearance of thousands of consumers. I should know...I'm one of them.
If you want to lean more about how to have healthy skin, visit my web site and you can watch an informative video, as well as, get further details about the best ways to support your body's own healthy skin rejuvenator ability.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

and are closest to humans in this respect.

Dolphin Jewelry Promotes Environmental Awareness
"And when the day comes that we can communicate intelligently with dolphins, they may introduce us to the concept of survival without aggression, and the true joy of living, which at present eludes us. In that circumstance what they have to teach us would be infinitely more valuable than anything we could offer them in exchange." -- Horace Dobbs
First of all, let's take a look at the rationale behind dolphin jewelry,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. What makes dolphins so attractive as jewelry motifs? Moreover, what would make them so important as to deserve a second look by jewelry-lovers, especially the socially conscientious?
Well, for one thing -- if there is any ocean-dwelling creature that is said to be the smartest and most compassionate it is the dolphin. Dolphins have been known to guide stranded seafarers to dry land, and converse intelligently in a language that's all their own. Scientists have been attempting to study the way dolphins communicate, and there is increasing evidence that dolphins have their own complex language. Dolphins are also the only ocean mammals that mate for recreation, and are closest to humans in this respect.
Dolphins are also among the most graceful of sea creatures, moving smoothly and effortlessly through the turbulent waves, turning backflips in the air with all the carefree air of a human child showing off a somersault. After all, who has never felt anything but goodwill and affection for Flipper, that most beloved of all celebrity dolphins?
But there is a sad twist to the dolphins' story. Believe it or not, some species of dolphins are fast becoming an endangered species. Pierce Brosnan (James Bond 007), Dean Anderson (StarGate, McGyver) and Martin Sheen (West Wing) have been known to support causes that save dolphins from being killed for sport or commercial purposes. Pollution is driving many dolphins to flee their ocean sanctuaries, and there have been stories of dolphins being beached while fleeing desperately from nuclear testing grounds or oil spills.
Wearing dolphin jewelry may not directly save the lives of dolphins, but it will help other people become more aware of the situation surrounding these intelligent creatures. But most importantly, dolphin jewelry continues to be elegant and eye-catching through the years. It represents a serene, fun-loving beauty that perseveres despite harsh trials.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why a Brazillian Bikini Wax

The Brazillian Bikini Wax Method
Preparing for summer and the wearing of a tiny bikini has many women stepping up their fitness and wellness routine by hitting the gym for buns of steel. But it also has them headed for the salon for fresh Brazillian bikini wax. This process removes almost all of the pubic hair on women leaving only a thin strip of hair in the centre. The process is slightly painful for some, but most feel the results are worth it.
Why a Brazillian Bikini Wax?
A thong swim suit or string bikini leaves little skin covered. In order to avoid embarrassing pubic hair from escaping the confines of such skimpy swim wear, many women visit their local spa for a Brazillian Bikini wax. So little hair remains, that it is nearly impossible for such a display of unsightly hair to show.
Even when it is the dead of winter,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, many women opt for this extreme form of hair removal. The beauty of waxing is that is lasts relatively longer than shaving and is not as irritated by tanning or suntan oils.
Beyond cosmetic reasons, many women and their partners like the feel of a nearly hairless pubic region. The erotic look and feel is thought by many to spice up their sex life.
For some women who are plagued with that condition known as hirsutism, where excessive hair grows, it is a necessary part of grooming to frequently wax. Pubic hair in this can trail up the abdomen or down the legs. Waxing offers the most clean and clear skin when coarse hair is removed.
Other Methods of Hair Removal
So how does waxing compare with epilators and sugaring? With epilators generally one hair is removed at a time. After several treatments that hair may never grow back. Some laser methods can do regions of the body at one time.
Sugaring works like waxing. The sugar is sticky and traps hair as it dries. When a cloth strip is placed over the coated area and then pulled the dry compound comes off taking the hair at the roots with it. This is the same procedure as used with waxing.
With the Brazillian bikini wax or sugaring, the hair does grow back after 1 to 3 weeks depending on the individual's hair growth. As it grows back the stubble can be itchy. It must be allowed to grow long enough for wax to grasp the hair before the procedure can be repeated. This can get a bit itchy and uncomfortable for some.
Tips for Keeping Skin Fresh and Clear
To make sure the waxing looks good and doesn't cause irritation the skin can be prepared before hand and treated afterward. Moisturizing before will make the hair softer and more easily removed. Toning the skin with an astringent following the waxing will close the pores and reduces redness and irritation due to the bikini wax.
A Brazillian bikini wax can make wearing tiny lingerie and swimwear a carefree experience. Many women find it is makes them feel clean and well groomed and continue to keep up with their bikini wax year after year.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

reading a book.

Getting Through a Crisis
A non resident mum and friend of mine has recently been through a very dark time in her life after her ex-husband suddenly decided to limit her contact with her two children. Following a three year struggle with his unpredictable and unreasonable behaviour and six months of mediation to arrive at the now defunct contact agreement, she has been feeling that she can't take any more. So, what can she do? To her despair, her solicitor has told her that to be eligible for legal aid she has to go through the mediation process all over again,they became fashionable. The lower-middle classes started taking them up. Unfortunately. In desperation, she has applied for a shared residency order and is now waiting for a court hearing which she will have to pay for despite her meagre means. In any event, it looks like she won't see her children for anything up to a month.
We agreed that there are some times, when the problems we face cannot be solved. The more we talked about the futility of various courses of action, the more she moved towards a position of accepting that she has done all that she can do to solve the problem and that she now needs to get through this time with as little pain as possible and without making things worse.
When we talked about what she is currently doing to manage her distress,best friends and relatives are the most common witnesses that they have., we discovered that without realising it she has been using quite a few coping skills. We thought that it might be helpful to share these with others who are also going through difficult times. The skills and strategies are probably quite personal and what works for some might not work for others but all are worth trying.
Absorbing activity. Throwing yourself into something that absorbs your attention and provides distraction. For my friend this is work, housework and when concentration allows, reading a book.
Doing things for others. My friend found that being attentive to and looking after her partner was helpful. Others might find different ways of contributing or helping others to take their minds off the problem.
Making comparisons. Looking back at when things where even more painful and difficult was mostly helpful although at times this added to her sense that her situation hadn't really changed over a long time.
Trying to stimulate other emotions and feelings such as pleasure, comfort, security and compassion. My friend is good at showing love and being close to her partner to bring on these feelings. Obviously this is difficult if you are on your own but there are often opportunities to interact with others and stimulate feelings such as compassion or concern. A sense of connection can sometimes be achieved just by smiling at others in the street. The feelings might not last long but are still worth it...these are desperate times and even the slightest relief is a blessing.
Shutting down, blocking and pushing away pain. My friend would often sit and stare. At first she thought this confirmed that she was useless and defeated as she was so inactive. She now sees that this was a way of distancing herself from her problems and mentally, taking a break. Why not...ruminating over this type of problem and our failure to deal with it better is exhausting and fruitless?
Using sensory methods to stimulate alternative feelings or to simply soothe and calm. My friend finds comfort in eating chocolate, hugging, stroking and smoking but there are hundreds of ways we can use the five senses to help us calm and soothe ourselves.
Power showers, loud music and moulding clay have been very good as ways of releasing tension and some of these can be combined for better effect.
Finding someone who is not going to judge you to talk through your feelings of guilt and despair,2. Surface. My friend says this has helped her to realise that she uses guilt as a way of punishing herself and that feeling rotten can be preferable to feeling good as there is nowhere to fall. This way she finds meaning in her misery. This allows her to refocus on doing what she can do now and in the future to be there' for her children in anyway she can rather than obsessively regret the past.
Weighing up the pros and cons of various courses of action, i.e,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. going to the house or the school against the ex-husbands wishes, arguing, repeatedly telephoning etc. It is easy to see how these actions, although they might demonstrate to her self and to others that she hasn't given up on the children, could make things worse for herself and more painful for the children.
Accepting that she cannot change the situation at this time helps her to do what she can to cope rather than feeling that she ought to be doing more and is a bad mother is she doesn't try.
Thinking of ways to be the best mother that she can with the time that she has. Sending I love you' postcards to the children through the absence, planning how to use the time they have together, keeping contact with teachers, asking to be directly informed regarding the children's welfare and progress and seeking advice on her legal situation.
These are some of the ways that my friend has coped with her difficult situation. We both agree that they are mostly short term measures that do not solve the problem but are sometimes useful for reducing the pain and frustration experienced during times like these.
These ideas and more can be found on the birdflew' website at . The site exists to provide support and information to non-resident mums in the UK and around the world.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

or newsletter provided you leave the byline intact

A Servant's Heart
Do you have a servant's heart? Has God blessed you with the insight to see the needs of others and reach out in compassion and understanding even when they, themselves, cannot reach out and ask for help?
This month I had the rare opportunity to not only reach out and touch a few lives, but to be blessed in return. I say rare because in my own experience,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots, it's either been one or the other not both at the same time. I used to believe that it was because giving and receiving at the same time would take the focus off what God intended for us, or the other party, to learn.
But this month, as I was fulfilling God's desire for me to serve others, He sent others to act as servants to my family. And you know what I learned? Humbling yourself to receive God's blessings is just as important as humbling yourself to give God's blessings to others. Whether you give or you receive, you must first humble yourself before the Lord and let His will take precedence over your circumstances, your emotions, your finances,supplementing with Vitamin C with bioflavioids may help maintain the pregnancy, and your actions.
It doesn't matter what you own, how much money you have in the bank, how talented or educated you are, or how many people you know. If God calls you to have a servant's heart, He will make a way for you to accomplish what He has put on your heart to do.
A servant's heart has more to do with your relationship with God than it has to do with your desire to be recognized for your good deeds. Having a servant's heart is one the most beautiful expressions of love I know. It's showing your love to another human being by simply being who God intended you to be. It's about seeing a need and fulfilling it without any strings attached. It's about making yourself uncomfortable so that someone else could be comfortable. It's about showing Christ's love through your actions and words,strength. And finally, it's about touching the lives of those around you with such a gentle kindness that your act will be remembered for years to come.
Pay attention when God calls you to serve others. Listen with your heart, not your mind. Hear what God wants you to do not what you think should be done.
You might think a check to pay a bill will solve someone's problem, but that might not be what God wants you to do. God may want you to teach that person how to budget his income so that he's not in the same boat next month. You might think a prayer is all that is needed, but God might want you spend quality time with that person. You might think a having a garage sale to remove clutter from someone's life will help her get more focused, but God might want you to help that person reorganize her life by ministering to her soul while you weed through her material possessions.
Taking the time to listen to what God wants you to do, humbling yourself to do what He has called you to do, and then faithfully following His orders regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you is truly what a servant's heart is all about. It's selfless love at its best and God couldn't ask for a better gift or testimony of your relationship with Him.
Brush up on your Bible, topic-related verses may be found at: Matthew 25:40, Mark 10:45, John 3:30, 1 Peter 5:2
You may freely reprint this article in a print or online magazine,both yellow and white, e-zine, or newsletter provided you leave the byline intact, don't change the content, and make The Dabbling Mum web address clickable. Please consider sending a courtesy copy for my records. Send an email to

Friday, October 12, 2012

. After drying if the leather feels stiff

Leather Lingerie Care
You've bought some nice leather lingerie, so now how do you care for it? Leather, being skin, needs to have proper care just as your own skin does. By taking some simple steps, your leather lingerie should last for many years to come.
The first step in caring for your leather lingerie is proper handling and storage. Always store leather in a temperature stable environment, neither too hot or cold, as this will affect the life of the leather by drying out the oils in the hide,not a synthetic vitamin E. Avoid exposing your leather garments to high heat or direct sunlight for long periods of time for the reasons just mentioned. Also, do not store your leather lingerie in high humidity, damp areas or plastic bags, as the build-up of moisture can cause mildew (mold) to form, which is difficult to clean. Either hang leather garments on wooden or padded hangers or carefully fold them to avoid creases and wrinkles. Perfumes or deodorants should be applied and allowed to dry before putting on your leather lingerie to minimize alcohol and other chemicals contact with the leather and to help avoid staining. Perspiration or any perfume and/or deodorant should be wiped off as soon as possible with a damp sponge, then the leather should be allowed to dry naturally.
Unless your leather lingerie acquires serious stains, necessitating professional cleaning, you can clean your leather garments yourself. An excellent cleaner is Murphy's Oil Soap, which works wonderfully and is gentle on leather, due to it being ph balanced. To clean, work up a lather of the Murphy's with a damp sponge and rub gently into the leather, paying more attention to heavier soiled areas. Then rinse the sponge well and wipe the leather clean with the damp sponge. You may have to repeat the process in areas that are more soiled. Try not to get the leather too wet, as that may cause it to shrink when it dries. One thing you may notice while cleaning is some lifting of the dye this is normal and is simply excess dye. It should not affect the color of the garment,particularly when we start getting a little older.. Allow the leather to air dry thoroughly, away from heat or sunlight for about 24 hrs. After that time, the leather may feel a bit stiff and will require a light coating of leather conditioner,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. One of the best leather conditioners is Passier Lederbalsam. It's easy to apply (a finger works best!) and is specially formulated for fine leather goods it also won't rot the stitching. Never use neatsfoot, mink or other like oils as they will make the leather over-oily and weak, inviting mildew to set in. Apply a thin coating of the Lederbalsam to the leather and let it sit for several hours to allow the absorption of the conditioner. Wipe off any excess with a clean, dry soft cloth and you're done. It would be best to allow the leather to sit until the next day before use to make sure all the conditioner has soaked in and the leather is dry.
For cleaning of leather lingerie that has fabric incorporated into the design, you can clean the garment by gently hand-washing it in cold water using Pepede. Pepede is specially formulated for this purpose and is designed to not only clean the fabric and leather, but also not strip the leather of its essential oils. After gently rinsing, lay the wet garment on a clean,by Marcus Ryan, dry terrycloth towel, roll it up, then press to squeeze the water out of the garment. Never try to wring the water out of the leather!! You'll probably need several towels to press as much of the moisture out of the leather as possible. Since you've gotten the leather soaked, the leather will have a tendency to shrink as it dries. The best way to avoid this is to wear the garment as it dries (you don't have to put it on while it's still quite wet, just while it's still damp). After drying if the leather feels stiff, follow the instructions previously given to condition the leather. Never use a washer and dryer to clean leather. Also, leather shouldn't be dry-cleaned as the chemicals used cause the leather to dry out and crack.
These care instructions apply to all top grain (smooth surface) leather goods. Suede would be handled and stored the same way, but not cleaned and conditioned. Suede requires different cleaning methods not covered in this article. Patent leather is cared for the same way as top grain leather, but doesn't require conditioning due to the lacquer that is used to seal it and give it the glossy look.
Copyright 2006 Dagmar Anderson

Thursday, October 11, 2012

plenty of exercise

Natural Skin Care by Sandra Alviar
There are a lot of good reasons to make your own skin care products. Many people are opting for a natural approach to lifestyle, from dietary choices to skin care products. By making your own treatments, you can be sure of exactly what goes into them. Some of you may have had an allergic reaction to many commercial products and seek natural skin care products out of necessity. Maybe you feel that commercial skin care products are too expensive and you just don't want to pay high prices.
A healthy diet is also essential to radiant skin. Eating fruits and vegetables everyday is very important,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. If you don't like fruits or vegetables, experiment with them until you find something you do like. Healthy skin is a result of many factors: a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, good skin care practices and a positive, relaxed mental attitude,you'll have to be very clear about the type of bra that'll suit you best..
Water is also crucial for healthy skin, keeping it soft and supple. Many of the natural skin care recipes include water to cleanse the skin externally; but it is even more beneficial when consumed internally,so as to provide us with what we need. Others in the industry though. Doctors recommend drinking 8-ounce glasses of water each day, and more when you are sick or out in the sun or heat. You will get much better results from your skin care treatments if you consume the recommended amounts of water.
Another way to help hydrate the skin and receive vitamins and minerals is by drinking herbal tea,do NOT give her the following. They are easy to make and there are a number of different teas to choose from. Do some tea tasting to see which herbs you like best, and try combining several. Mixing herbal tea with fruit juice is a great way to get natural sweetness and the benefits of the herbs at the same time.
Some Herbs for the Skin and Hair:
Black alder (for skin eruptions)
Bergamot tea (cleanses the system)
Oat straw
Yellow dock
Regular exercise promotes good blood circulation, which in turn helps maintain healthy skin. Try to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine. Exercise also helps relieve stress and promotes a healthy mental attitude, another element in achieving healthy radiant skin. Relaxation is the key to getting the most these herbal treatments.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

always be gentle and avoid rubbing it harshly as it can cause very unsightly peeling.

Get A Load Of These Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin by Amy twain
Can't get enough of beauty tips for glowing skin? Of course, we all want to have that despite the changing seasons and the weather. No matter how attractive you look if you've got a dull and flaky skin, you'll still be less of a skin to soul beauty that you desire!
*First is exfoliation. No matter how religiously apply lotion all over your body but if you fail to exfoliate,the story is different. With a wide variety of jewelry, you still won't achieve that look. This is because our body gets rid of skin cells every minute daily. So you have to get rid of them or else, they'll only stay on you, making it look dull. The next best thing to do now is to shower and rub your exfoliator in a circular motion and rinse. Three times a week of exfoliation equals a glowing you for at least a year.
*Beauty tips for glowing skin is also not forgetting about your feet. Pedicure is a reward for your tired and aching feet for all the hard work they've done to you. Thank your feet from transporting you from one place to another. If you can't afford a salon pedicure, have a Do-It-Yourself pedicure at home. Just keep a nail file and foot scrub handy in your shower so that you can scrub your footsies away like 2 to 3 times a week for noticeably softer feet.
*Exercise. Physical activity like cardio will not only give you a more toned and healthy body, but will also give you that glowing look because it helps stimulate blood flow.
*After exfoliation, apply an age-defying mask on neck and face or a weekly noisturizer,Do you do construction work or do you have an office job that is not taxing on your hands. *Avoid stress or just keep it to a minimum. This is because stress can take a toll on our skin and it can cause some breakouts and zits,They fear disappointing you or worse yet. Get plenty of sleep or try meditation to ease your mind and clear your worries behind.
And lastly, as with anything which concerns your skin, always be gentle and avoid rubbing it harshly as it can cause very unsightly peeling.